Wednesday, September 24, 2008

blackboard scanning vs. discussions

I really didn't enjoy our last class nearly as much as the one before. I thought the long discussion really got a lot of people involved and answered a lot of our questions. This "scanning" the blackboard for ideas and interests just did not work at all for me. I thought 2 classes ago was great. We really got into some good stuff thagt people were passionate about and I was quite dissapointed that we did not do that again. I bet that if we discussed each chapter as a group everyone would have learned WAY more...but thats just me


Max said...

I totally agree that a long meandering discussion is best, but is it the best for everyone involved?

MjW said...

Yea I see your point. We should talk about our ideal class style tomorrow.

Jen, the Cookie Empress said...

The blackboard scanning works best when there are multiple, creative ideas. We are all getting the material, but many interpreted it on the boards the same way.

Someone start a topic fo discussion and let's go with it